Through this policy, the Management Committee of Fribin Foods SL expresses its firm commitment to compliance with the legal requirements, standards, needs and expectations of interested parties.

Therefore, Fribin Foods SL is obliged to apply, maintain and continually improve its quality management system, food safety, environment and occupational risk prevention through the application of the following principles:

  • Preparation of safe, legal and authentic products with the quality specified by the client.
  • Continuous improvement of the food safety culture, its processes and products, as well as the prevention of occupational risks.
  • Achieve the satisfaction of all our clients by meeting their needs and constantly seeking to meet their expectations.
  • Provide the market with products that comply with the specific Laws of the Muslim Community and that comply with the HALAL Guarantee Mark, protected by the GSO, SMIC standards.
  • Continuous improvement of our environmental performance from a life cycle perspective to prevent pollution and reduce the consumption of natural resources, ensuring the sustainability of our activities and those we can influence.
  • Zero tolerance for any behavior that endangers animal welfare
  • Compliance with the organization’s ethical code.
  • Provision of the necessary resources to fulfill our objectives.
  • Dissemination, training and continuous involvement of all staff in aspects such as food safety, quality of processes and products, risk prevention, social respect, respect for the environment and animal welfare.

The application of these principles is the responsibility without exception of any member of Fribin Foods SL and collaborators over whom they have direct influence.

This policy is addressed annually to quality, food safety, environment, health and occupational safety objectives to measure the degree of compliance and make it a reality. In addition, it is available to all staff and interested parties on its website.

Signed: General Directorate

Binéfar as of January 9, 2024


ISO 9001
ISO 14001



FRIBIN is a Meat Industry that has beef and pork slaughter lines, cutting rooms, a cold storage warehouse, a sausage factory and a meat transport fleet.

FRIBIN is convinced that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect in all aspects of the employment relationship.

The principles of FRIBIN’s Social Policy are:

  • FRIBIN knows and has access to national and/or local laws including contracting, employment, occupational health and safety laws, environmental practices and employment contract requirements.
  • FRIBIN recognizes and respects the right of free association and collective bargaining of workers.
  • The practice of forced labor is prohibited, as is the use of labor under any form of bondage and the use of physical punishment, confinement, threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse as a method of discipline. .
  • The employment of workers who have not reached the age of majority for the type of work is prohibited.
  • Workers will work the number of days and hours in accordance with the laws in force and the collective agreement.
  • Workers will receive fair compensation (wages and benefits in accordance with current law and the collective agreement).
  • No differences will be established based on race, religion, age, nationality, social class, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, pregnancy, disability or political affiliation.
  • Workers will have a safe and healthy work environment.
  • FRIBIN will disseminate, train, educate and involve all company personnel in everything related to the prevention of occupational risks, social respect and respect for the environment.